Friday, September 28, 2012

It's Friday!

What an amazing week this has been!

By day, I've been filling in for the amazing and sweet Sue in the YFC office. It's been really nice to decompress, be surrounded by people I love and have SO much fun with and feel like I'm contributing financially to our family. I have been dubbed "Our new defender of the faith" by Pastor Dave after passing his little prank phone call test ("No, we're not snake handlers...") and given the nickname "Mountain of the Valleys" through the Bible Dictionary method.

I've also come to the realization that, even though I'm really good at it, it wasn't just the corporate world admin gigs that I had fallen out of love with, it was that I would much rather be doing focused work in my specialty/ministry area than being support staff.  I have a deep admiration and respect for support staff, especially after being in that field for 10+ years, so I mean no disrespect with my "vocalization" of my realization.

By night, I've been hanging out at Grandma Jane's casa with the Kingman clan. Cousin Karen and her mom Aunt Iva have been here from Texas and Amber and Cayden have been in town since last Thursday night. Lots of cards, southern comfort food, snacks, candy, cookies, pies and lots of laughter. I'm going to miss that next week, but thankfully, we'll start the week with our special little beach treat for our anniversary.

Corey is super twitterpated. He's on the West Side right now picking up his new patrol car. His text to me a bit ago was, "Oh, she's dead sexy. Might have to name this one." I can't wait to see it in person and go on a ride-along!

It's been two years since I've put in a 40-hour work week outside of my house and adding the late nights of family fun on top, I'm bushed! I'm really thankful for the quiet time in the office this morning - just me and Dobby. Happy weekend, all!

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